Is the Shooter Ready?
The Long Range Shooting Handy Refence Guide
All of the information from the classroom sections found in the Basic Training version and Advanced Training version is now available as a downloadable PDF.
Updated and with new information in a concise manual, the guide makes it easy to use while working in the stages. It also serves as an excellent introduction to the basics of exterior ballistics.
In addition, 24 challenges allow you to practice ranging and estimating drop and drift while taking into account extremes of atmospherics, earth-based effects, and inclination angles.
Read a few sample pages including the Table of Contents. (The copyright watermark does not appear on the official downloaded pdf.)
The paperback was for sale on Amazon for $12.95. Due to Amazon's stance against freedom of speech and because they blocked my ability to upload any other books I unpublished it and closed my KDP account. Once Amazon releases their expanded distribution rights which takes a month or so I will try publishing the paperback version with another publisher.
"Thanks again for the great simulation!! I have a lot of friends that hunt but they all believe when the time comes they'll be able to do the old Kentucky elevation guess to bag the big one!!! I always laugh and have them sit down at my machine and let them try a stage or two on your simulator!!! LOL It's always humbling!Thanks for your time and effort! I really appreciate it!"
Rick E.